Wish Fulfillment Recipient: Ms. Chann (aged 66)
Wish Fulfillment Date: 5 March 2023
The 66-year-old end-stage brain tumor patient Madam Chan used to work in Central as a clerk for decades. Sometimes, she took a tram ride to work. But the illness prohibits her to do so soon after her retirement. Her wish was to board the tram again, down memory lane one more time with family and relatives. It seemed impossible for a wheel-chair bound person.
Nurses from Bradbury Hospice Centre referred the case to Brothers And Sisters In Christ (BASIC) Foundation to make Madam Chan’s dream come true.
BASIC Foundation volunteers, including a doctor and a nurse, accompanied her yesterday to realize the dream. With the accompany of more than 20 family members and relatives, Madam Chan went on board a specially chartered tram in a nice cool temperature and sunshine. During the 2-hours ride, everyone had the chance to talk to her, take pictures, and recalled fond memories over the years.
Volunteers at the Brothers And Sisters In Christ Foundation express our gratitude to the Hong Kong Club Foundation for supporting another wish come true. Your help is much appreciated.