Wisher: Ms. So 63 years old
Date of fulfillment: November 12, 2019
After her brain tumor was removed eight years ago, Ms. So had a stroke and needed an oxygen machine to breathe. She had stayed in the hospital since then.
One year ago, her sister passed away and she wanted to attend the funeral services. Unfortunately, her family members were worried about her body condition so her wish was denied. She then asked to return home for a brief visit, which also denied, due to her husband’s fear for an accident.
In her third attempt, she asked the volunteers of “Project Amen” to take her to the bank so that she could transfer all her savings to her daughter. Ms. So’s oxygen machine was an old model, there was no replacement. This almost destroyed her hope again.
Fortunately, the Basic Foundation volunteers persuaded the oxygen machine supplier to rent the new machine to her for two weeks to make the trip to the bank.
Ms. So said: “My wish is to give it all I have to my daughter when I am still sober. I thank all the volunteers and wishing you good people a safe life.”